The Dixie Chamber of Commerce is an all-volunteer organization of local businesses and individuals, and a few businesses outside our borders doing commerce or providing services in Dixie County. We collectively advocate for the businesses within our community, with the goal of furthering local commerce and team building and leadership development by working on local projects. We come together the second Thursday of each month, at noon, to coordinate membership activity, and we invite guest speakers who can provide insight or who seek our support in an important project that can improve our community as a whole. Members report on their committee works and alert us to opportunities to promote our own individual business through participation in specific activities or projects. Members range from young entrepreneurs to seasoned business leaders across the spectrum and size. We have discovered that best practice sharing often occurs when team members are working side-by-side on a business expo, festival, airport fly-in, or a broader economic development initiative. Joining with other community groups, members learn while we have fun sharing skills that bring worthy ideas to reality. We support several youth centered activities such as scholarships, livestock fair and students working against tobacco. The current Membership Form available on website or by calling 352-498-5572 and hope you will consider joining us in promoting commerce and improving our community so that Dixie County will continue to be a great place to live, work and play.